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求助*** ERROR "ALG_ITERATIONS" *** Too many iterations
作者:    来源:    时间:2019-03-02 09:45:56浏览量:

在做一个单管反激电路,进行直流工作点分析,用saber仿真出错了,不知道怎么改。 还请大神多多指教报错如下:

saberHost DESKTOP-N0G99QG, Intel Pentium III running Windows NT 6.2 Ver. 9200Tue Feb 21 15:20 2017> dc (deps 100u,iperror yes,pins all,siglist / *.*/*(*)The no_ramping algorithm failed. Trying the dyn_ramping algorithm.The dyn_ramping algorithm failed. Trying the gmin_ramping algorithm.Cannot solve with the initial value of GBegin=1The gmin_ramping algorithm failed. Trying the static_ramping algorithm.The static_ramping algorithm failed. Trying the den_ramping algorithm.Automatic algorithm selection exhausted*** ERROR "ALG_ITERATIONS" *** Too many iterations 已经被添加到社区经典图库喽
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